Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Doctor...Do I have Dementia?

As a geriatrician I am often asked by concerned patients whether or not they have dementia.

"Doctor, I can't seem to remember names as well as I used to"

"I find myself going to the refrigerator and not knowing what I wanted"

"I misplace my keys all the time."

In many cases----these concerns just require a little gentle reassurance. The fact is that memory varies day by day. Some days our neurons just seem to fire a little faster. As an example, think back to when you were in school. If you were sleep deprived, you didn't function as well the next day. If you imbibed a little too much on alcohol, the next day was a blur.

The fact is that there are many things that interfere with memory including depression, sleep, medications, and other health care issues. Just because you are a little forgetful doesn't necessarily mean you have Alzheimer's---you may just as likely have sleep apnea or depressive symptoms.

So when should you be concerned that you have dementia. An instructor once told me that Dementia is not about misplacing your keys; it is about misplacing your keys and finding them in the refrigerator.

Personally, I am always much more concerned by memory complaints raised by family members or friends. When they are self-initiated, they often are a result of other things going on. Regardless, all memory concerns should be addressed with your doctor. That's it for tonight.

Tomorrow---I'll talk a little about how we diagnose dementia.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Welcome to the new blog. I hope that readers of my book Making Rounds with Oscar-The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat will find this blog a place to share ideas and questions about being an Alzheimer's caregiver.

As a practicing geriatrician, I'm happy to offer my insights and provide some general guidance to your questions. Obviously, my advice should never substitute for the advice of your own doctor--With this disclaimer aside, I hope I can steer readers in the right direction. As I've found though, the best advice often comes from the family members (rather than the doctors) going through the caregiver experience right now...so please feel free to jump in if you see a question and you'd like to answer.